Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Well-Appointed Pup

terrier mix

I don't usually get personal here, but would you look at that face? How can I keep it quiet any longer? We've adopted! Charlie is a three-year-old terrier mix who has brought me more joy in the past two weeks than I ever could have imagined. Besides a propensity for lunging at cats and that one time he threw up in the car, Charlie has been nothing but the perfect pupcalm, loving, smart and a total mama's boy. I truly lucked out with this little guy!

Of course, with dog ownership, comes a whole host of dog accessories, so Charlie's connection to the world of design isn't all that tenuous. In fact, everyone from Etsy craftspeople to design stalwarts like Alessi have dreamed up some pretty clever products catering to man's best friend, so I've gathered up some of my top picks for you below.

pet accessories
click the image icons to shop

While I certainly plan to spoil Charlie rotten, that gorgeous walnut dog bed is just not in his future at $999. He'll have to settle for the adorable hand-knit octopus squeeky toys, a matching ombre rope collar and leash, and plenty of treats and belly rubs. Think he'll take it?


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