Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Heart New York

 NYC Railway Calendar by Zero Per Zero
(Forgot to bring my camera to New York - bad blogger!)

Sorry for being MIA while I was in New York. Sometimes you just have to step away from the computer and enjoy life, you know? 

In any case, I'm glad to report that the massive search for bright pants was a success! I had only been in Topshop once before, on a Saturday, and I was so overwhelmed by the throngs of teenage girls at the time that I didn't make it past the front racks. SoHo on a Monday is a different world, thankfully, and I walked out of Topshop with perfect-fitting red skinny jeans, this knotted navy blouse and this orange fringed cardigan. Can't wait to try out some color-blocking with my new finds.

Of course, the trip didn't entirely revolve around shopping. I got to take in a performance of Memphis on Saturday night (it was amazing!), see some college friends at a wedding shower on Sunday and eat delicious Mexican seafood with my little cousin Sunday evening.

Before SoHo on Monday, my mom and I spent the day exploring the Chelsea galleries, many of which turned out to be closed. We were lucky enough to stumble on an incredible Picasso exhibit, though, and were able to view his work more closely than we ever could have at a crowded museum. We then grabbed lunch at Cookshop, walked the High Line to the Meatpacking District, then hopped on the subway for shopping in SoHo.

One of the highlights of the trip came that evening when I finally got to meet Jamilla of Made to Travel. I headed East to meet my blogger buddy for a drink, and she's just as lovely in real life as she is online. Jamilla is one of the most engaged, supportive bloggers out there, and she's only been at it for three months! This girl is going to blow up, and I'll be able to say I knew her back when.


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